The Right Cast, Right Now sm
"Hollywood is sweet on The South and Cheryl Louden-Kubin and Co. have the right recipe to keep them coming back."
What makes The Atlanta Casting Director (Atlanta Casting, LLC) the top choice for Casting in The South?
It's not one solitary thing, but rather the collection of all the "right" things; the lattice of attributes that link together into a framework for success. Together they are far greater than the sum of their individual parts, creating synergy and emergence.
Experience - with over 20 years casting of in The South, Cheryl Louden-Kubin and The Atlanta Casting Director have earned their stripes. They understand what producers really want and need (even in those rare occasions when it's different that what they think they want and need.) We bring the right talent, guided to their best performance and deliver it consistently, professionally, and cost-effectively.
A Proven Track Record - our credits include major hits, major studios, and major casts. Our casting has received awards, including a CLIO, and our projects are littered with trophies such as Emmys, Golden Globes, and People's Choice Awards. (For more info, check out our resume here.)
Reliability - We do what we say and we do it well. We meet deadlines and we eliminate the unnecessary hassles, just presenting the right options in the best and most convenient ways possible.
Good People - We like us, actors like us, and you will too. A sense of trust is crucial to everyone involved.
Want to know more? Give us a call at (424) 245-5458 or email us at Casting@AtlantaCastingDirector.com - The Atlanta Casting Director (Atlanta Casting, LLC)